Limited Series. 4 Episodes
Watched on #Netflix

PHOTO CREDITS: Netflix Original Series, "Night Stalker: The Hunt for a Serial Killer"
Guilty. I am a die-hard fan of any series, documentaries and/ or movies with serial killers in it. No, I do not desire to be one,😊 but I've always been amazed at how and why and what makes them, their psyche, the before them, the during them, the after them.
Born with a lot of questions; the small and big screen together have come to my rescue. I have a fascination for reality, but cruel reality, gore but you won’t catch me watching horror flicks. Do I flinch when I watch some scenes, Hell, yes!
The documentary is covered well in 4 episodes and does not really show anything gory. It's written very well, the narration, the dialogues; it is vivid enough to paint the picture on what the Night Stalker was capable of doing. The real footage interspersed with officials interview and also the actual news footage has been all woven well.
If you like to follow crime the way it really happened then do watch it.