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  • Writer's picturethe.lalagirl

Uncle Frank ****

Updated: Mar 10, 2021

Watched on #Amazon

PHOTO CREDITS: Movie, "Uncle Frank"

My recommendations are always twisted. No really, I mean it. It often has the following tags: violence, dark, thriller, psycho, sex, strong language.

But I guess because it was a new Addition, it popped up on my screen and I watched - UNLE FRANK

Story is about a boy named Frank who grow up without a family inspite of having one all because he is GAY. Set in the 60s-70s; it was an era where this was considered a SIN! Hmmmmm I don’t remember much changed even in 2020. I mean a little yes, but not much.

The reason I hit play to this movie was because I read that its Director was ALAN BALL. No. I didn’t know who Alan Ball was till my eyes fell on the section KNOWN FOR: American Beauty, Six Feet Under... So typically, he had me at American Beauty. Back in the days that was one of the most OMG movie I watched. Kevin Spacey was out of this world and that scene. I know you all know which scene I am talking about. So yes, the thought of watching a movie by the same Director who directed American beauty made me watch the film.

Apologies, I judge a movie way too quickly. But this movie… I was taken into their world right from the first scene. The narration was simple yet it had its moment of secrets. The relationships were handled with respect, dignity and integrity. Casting, was brilliant and all actors looked like they belonged in the movie.

So yes, incase if you are looking for some serious yet a bit calming and soul searching kind of flick, with some great dialogues then spend your time watching the same.

My rating “I loved it!”

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