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  • Writer's picturethe.lalagirl

MASTER [in Tamil with subtitles]*

Updated: Mar 10, 2021

Watched on #AmazonPrime

PHOTO CREDITS: Movie, "Master"

Hmmmmm.... It is an Action Film. Attempts were made to write a script. But as usual they do NOT sketch out their characters well. But, this happens only in their out and out commercial films. In Tamil, one does find some brilliant extraordinary films from time to time. We will get there when we do.

In this Pandemic, I have been punishing my sons whenever they don't do the things I want them to do, by playing one odd South Indian Films and making them watch it as well. Don't get me wrong I am not dissing South Films, I am a South Indian myself but some of the films are like worth going deaf, dumb and cock-eyed for.

'Master', was okay. Don't look for logic my love if you plan to watch it, that is. Just lock them all up safely, you don't want them to get damaged :-)

Watch it if you have nothing better to do in life.

PS: The music is lovely! Tamilians just know what to do on that front. I will review Music separately though.

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